Meals will feature kid-friendly foods like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, juice, crackers, granola bars, and fruit cups. No registration or ID is required, and participation is open to all children and teens.
Meals will feature kid-friendly foods like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, juice, crackers, granola bars, and fruit cups. No registration or ID is required, and participation is open to all children and teens.
Kids and teens will be able to get a grab and go meal from one of 18 sites throughout Whiteside County. Each site will serve on Wednesdays but will provide three lunches for each child. The program runs every Wednesday from 12:00PM -12:30PM starting June 1st and ending on August 10th.
2022 Meal Sites
Margaret Park
First Reformed Church
Richmond Park
Crossroads Comm. Center
Public Library
Eclipse Square
Coloma Homes
Merrill School
Rock Falls Public Library
Wallingford Park
Broadway Methodist
Latin American Social Club
Scheid Park
Sterling Public Library
SterLynn Apartments
Salvation Army
St Paul’s Church
Community Building
United Way of Whiteside County has run the Let’s Feed Our Children program for 21 years with the help of countless community partners. United Way is looking for additional donations and volunteers to support this program. Those interested in volunteering can sign up at: https://signup.com/go/fXBAKtz or by contacting Keri Olson at 815.625.7973 or kolson@uwwhiteside.org.